Menotti: Amahl and the Night Visitors
December 16, 18, & 19, 2021
Production Dates
December 16, 2021 - 7 pm
Whitestone Mennonite Church
629 Crescent Drive
Hesston, Kansas
December 18, 2021 - 2 pm
Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church
1600 W. 27th Street North
Wichita, Kansas
December 19, 2021 - 2 pm
Westwood Presbyterian Church
8007 W Maple St
Wichita, Kansas
Production Personnel
Director: Ellen Denham
Assistant Director: Kate Bishop
Music Director: Lauren Koszyk
Assistant Music Director: Aaron Ames
Costume Designer, Jen Stephenson
Set Designer: J. Bradley Baker
Kelsey Korman*
Yunona Tabala**
Lauren Salazar***
Heather Hawk*, ***
Charity Cooper**
King Kaspar:
Micah Perry*
Kyle Felkins**
Charles Anderson***
King Melchior:
Powell Brumm*
Spencer McIntire**
Jared Hiscock***
King Balthazar:
Jordan Roth*, ***
Brian Linares**
Will Schlott*, **, ***
Pablo Sebastian Aun
Amaan Atkins
Carlee Abschneider
Kate Bishop
Jessica Bloch
Powell Brumm
Madelin Cain
Kyle Felkins
Jared Hiscock
Brian Linares
Spencer McIntire
Liza Moss
Sophia Parker
Jordan Roth
Angel JJ Sneed
*Thursday, December 16
**Saturday, December 18
***Sunday, December 19
About Amahl and the Night Visitors
Italian-American composer Gian Carlo Menotti (1911–2007) wrote over twenty operas in his long and prolific career. His works have garnered both critical acclaim and popular support, twice winning the Pulitzer Prize for Music as well as the prestigious New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award for best musical play. Menotti is considered by many to be the most important American opera composer, and is often called “the American Puccini.” Due to the huge success of The Medium (1946), Menotti received the first ever commission for a television opera from NBC, resulting in his well-known Amahl and the Night Visitors (1951). This beloved work was premiered by the NBC Opera Theatre on December 24, 1951, in New York City at NBC studio 8H in Rockefeller Center, and was broadcast every year at Christmas time on NBC for over a decade. Since its composition, Amahl has remained among the most frequently performed operas in the United States today.
Language: English
Composition Date: 1951
Runtime: 45 minutes
Plot Summary:
Place: Near Bethlehem.
Time: The first century, just after the birth of Christ
Amahl, a disabled boy who can walk only with a crutch, has a problem with telling tall tales. He is sitting outside playing his shepherd’s pipe when his mother calls for him (“Amahl! Amahl!”). After much persuasion, he enters the house but his mother does not believe him when he tells her there is an amazing star “as big as a window” outside over their roof (“O Mother You Should Go Out and See”; “Stop Bothering Me!”).
Later that night, Amahl’s mother weeps, praying that Amahl not become a beggar (“Don’t Cry Mother Dear”). After bedtime (“From Far Away We Come”), there is a knock at the door and the mother tells Amahl to go see who it is (“Amahl … Yes Mother!”). He is amazed when he sees three splendidly dressed kings (the Magi). At first the mother does not believe Amahl, but when she goes to the door to see for herself, she is stunned. The Three Kings tell the mother and Amahl they are on a long journey to give gifts to a wondrous Child and they would like to rest at their house, to which the mother agrees (“Good Evening!”; “Come In!”), saying that all she can offer is “a cold fireplace and a bed of straw”. The mother goes to fetch firewood, and Amahl seizes the opportunity to speak with the kings. King Balthazar answers Amahl’s questions about his life as a king and asks what Amahl does. Amahl responds that he was once a shepherd, but his mother had to sell his sheep. Now, he and his mother will have to go begging. Amahl then talks with King Kaspar, who is childlike, eccentric, and a bit deaf. Kaspar shows Amahl his box of magic stones, beads, and licorice, and offers Amahl some of the candy (“Are You A Real King?”; “This is My Box”). The mother returns (“Amahl, I Told You Not To Be A Nuisance!”). He defends himself, saying “They kept asking me questions,” when of course it has in fact been Amahl asking the kings questions. Amahl is told to go fetch the neighbors (“All These Beautiful Things”; “Have You Seen a Child?”) so the kings may be fed and entertained properly (“Shepherds! Shepherds!”; “Emily! Emily”; “Olives and Quinces”; “Dance of the Shepherds”).
After the neighbors have left and the kings are resting, the mother attempts to steal for her son some of the kings’ gold that was meant for the Christ Child (“All That Gold”). She is thwarted by the kings’ page (“Thief! Thief!”). When Amahl wakes to find the page grabbing his mother, he attacks him (“Don’t You Dare!”). Seeing Amahl’s defense of his mother and understanding the motives for the attempted theft, King Melchior says she may keep the gold as the Holy Child will not need earthly power or wealth to build his kingdom (“Oh, Woman, You Can Keep That Gold”). The mother says she has waited all her life for such a king and asks the kings to take back the gold. She wishes to send a gift but has nothing to send. Amahl, too, has nothing to give the Child except his crutch (“Oh, No, Wait”). When he offers it to the kings, his leg is miraculously healed (“I Walk, Mother”). With permission from his mother, he leaves with the kings to see the Child and give his crutch in thanks for being healed.